Software system selection is the highlight of the construction of enterprise IT, but also a headache for many businesses. I write according to their own project experience a virtual software selection story, and to take some of the elements of selection process.
PDM rigid requirements and selection of team
Monday morning, Liu Xuan Yi and ride a bike to work as usual. Although as a million million, one of 娲查晣 star power electric tools, Assistant General Manager and Director of the Office, he has every reason to let the company car from work, he has maintained ten years of this habit. Motorola Inc. At first only a few dozen of the township and small factories, but the years as well-run, substantial growth in output and scale year after year. After nearly twenty years, to now is a product for export, the number of thousands of employees, sales of hundreds of millions of medium-sized manufacturing enterprises.
Liu Xuan Yi is the Motorola company's de facto head of information technology. Over the years, through participation, coordination of company-related information project implementation and training, coupled with his general help and office as both director, CIO functions have achieved a bit of this increase in his body. Wang company does have an information center director of the title, but more is responsible for network maintenance, data backup, and other purely technical work. Events such as the system is basically the lead and coordinate Liu Yi-Hsuan.
Liu Xuan Yi lock a bike to his office the former head of sales, Zhang found that he was vice president came forward. Liu and Zhang worked for many years, have good relations. Zhang asked handing me a cigarette, the computer program was right about the Dodo? A software company is one of the best in the country, its regional head office is my nephew. If the various products that technically similar, then the insurance would nonetheless be a bit to find their own side. Liu Xuan Yi nodded his head and said, I was just at the office this morning to mention this on the system. A company and I have had some contact, but the selection of how out in the end I do not spectrum. The things you said I know. We will be fair competition, reasonable choice.
Two people mentioned in this project is that the company intends to commence the product data management (PDM) system. As planned, PDM is the second enterprise resource planning (ERP) after another focus, but because the progress of implementation of ERP and the line-delayed effects is not satisfactory after the originally planned PDM also delayed the progress down.
Mon 8:30 weekly office meeting management routine-la land. At the meeting, Liu on the urgency of the PDM system makes the following several reasons:
1. Wanli is the city's information technology demonstration unit, in accordance with the original application for demonstration projects in the planning, PDM is a main event after ERP. As the ERP project schedule delays, and now the overall information system project acceptance from the second half of the time only.
2. Companies on the PDM project ideas have been extended period of time, the design department of Jishihaoren are waiting for implementation of the system.
3. The company will continually have access to a 78 PDM software. Including a demonstration project in the company reporting process also provided help with the preparation of documentation, the project is not on the total of the election Which products have an explanation.
Therefore, the PDM is imperative. However, in the end how much input, the number of functional modules implemented, pending the election Which products are the problem. At first we put into practice with confidence ERP, more than two years down everyone's lung power Fandao lack of information, and new projects to promote them are somewhat hesitant.
Are all laments costly ERP project, responsible for the production and vice president of product development side view of everyone's confidence in the firm. Party vice president's view: the company often receives client sent CAD drawings of different systems, the current practice is to require customers to the company drawing power output to 10,000 CAD system can recognize the format. If the PDM system can easily preview, convert drawings, then this system may also be worth.
Party vice president's words have some Qiaosong Tai, general manager of the end; also keep the discussion has concluded: the project start as soon as possible, in principle, on-demand supply of funds but the overall message of the original planning for the maximum amount of the book; project selection by the Liu Xuan Yi lead, other selection team members, including party vice president, design director of the Department and Information Center Director Wang high. Liu Xuan Yi would like, it seems the project is officially promoted, but the selection of this matter will not be too easy. The simplest thing, the company in the end, what kind of system needed, Liu Xuan Yi estimated so far no one can say clearly.
According to Canada's Technology Evaluation Center (TEC) estimates, about 20% of IT projects due to the wrong product failed. To the author of thumb, this ratio may be higher in China. Liu Xuan Yi as the Motorola company's de facto chief information officer (CIO) in the selection of diligence, but still in the process left a regret.
Motorola power tools of this type of medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in the projects I've met has some typical. Enterprises have been developing well, good benefits, but capacity building in information technology are lacking. Over the years, many companies such as Motorola in the area of information exchange a lot of fees.
Yi Xuan Liu, CIO of this type I've met in the project also has a representative. And colleagues have tried CIO for SMEs in China are classified as "programmer type", "plant director-type", "office type", etc. types. Liu Xuan Yi undoubtedly be the last of this type. The strengths of this type of CIO is to understand the corporate culture, specializes in integration and mobilization of resources, knowledge and background in information technology and enterprise business processes are often not very strong.
Enterprise software selection based on objective and subjective basis of comprehensive results. In theory, the proportion of objective factors, more severe, more likely to become a reasonable selection of the results. But it is undeniable that a suitable software product involves all aspects, not all of the selection based on can be objective and quantitative; As businesses in a complex internal and external environment, the subjective basis is sometimes unavoidable. Zhang Deputy mentioned the reasons for the choice of A company has a strong subjective component, but it is also true is that many enterprises have to face. Liu Xuan Yi's "fair competition, reasonable choice" is a very artistic response. He recognizes the selection of objectivity, but also for other non-objective factors left a room.
Early failure of the project is hindered many companies continue to promote the information technology an important factor. However, if only to pay tuition fees in exchange for a lot of a wait and see attitude, this price is too high. Enterprises should continue to gain valuable practical experience to ensure Yuezhanyueyong, not hanging, "war-free card."
Enterprises in the project before any information should carefully consider a fundamental question - why should information? Here, Liu Xuan Yi listed several issues it certainly has some urgency, but these are not Motorola Inc. PDM projects must be on the nature of reason. Many times, when the implementation of an information system project has become an imperative thing, the company gradually forgotten the true intentions of the implementation of the project.淇℃伅鍖栨槸涓轰紒涓氫笟鍔℃湇鍔$殑锛屼俊鎭寲鎴樼暐鍒欒绱х揣鍥寸粫浼佷笟鐨勫彂灞曟垬鐣ャ?绂诲紑杩欎竴鐐癸紝涓嶇閫夊瀷鏈夊鍚堢悊锛屽疄鏂芥湁澶氬畬缇庯紝鏈?粓鐨勭郴缁熼兘鍙兘鍙槸涓?釜鎽嗚銆備紒涓氬疄鏂戒俊鎭寲鍙兘鎴愬氨浜嗘紓浜殑椤圭洰楠屾敹浼氬拰姹囨姤鏉愭枡锛屾垚灏变簡浼佷笟鍐呴儴涓?壒鐔熸倝杞欢搴旂敤骞舵湁鏈轰細鍙︽攢楂樻灊鐨勫憳宸ワ紝鎴愬氨浜嗚蒋浠朵緵搴斿晢鐨勪笟缁╋紝浣嗗鏋滀笉鑳藉缁欎紒涓氬甫鏉ュ湪杩愯惀鏁堢巼銆佹垚鏈帶鍒躲?鐮斿彂鑳藉姏绛夋柟闈㈠疄瀹炲湪鍦ㄧ殑鏁堢泭锛屼紒涓氬彧鏄湪涓轰粬浜哄仛瀚佽。銆傚彟澶栵紝浠讳綍浜嬫儏閮芥湁鎬ヨ揩鎬у拰閲嶈鎬т袱涓柟闈?姣棤鐤戦棶锛孭DM绯荤粺瀵逛竾鍔涘叕鍙告潵璇存槸鐩稿綋閲嶈鐨勶紝浣嗗彲鑳藉嚭浜庡伐浣滆儗鏅殑缂樻晠锛屽垬杞╄蕉灏嗕粬鐨勬敞鎰忓姏杩囧鍦版斁鍒颁簡涓?簺鎬ヨ揩浣嗗苟涓嶄竴瀹氶噸瑕佺殑浜嬫儏涓娿?杩欐牱鐨勮璇嗗繀鐒朵細褰卞搷鍒伴」鐩殑寮?睍銆?br />
銆??涓囧姏鍏徃鐨勯?鍨嬪皬缁勭殑浜哄憳閰嶅绠楁槸姣旇緝鍚堢悊鐨勩?鏂瑰壇鎬讳唬琛ㄤ簡浼佷笟鐨勯珮灞傞瀵硷紝楂樹富浠诲拰鐜嬩富浠诲垯鍒嗗埆浠h〃浜嗙郴缁熷畬鎴愬悗鐨勪富瑕佺敤鎴烽儴闂ㄥ拰鏃ュ父缁存姢閮ㄩ棬銆傚鏋滆鏈変粈涔堜笉瓒崇殑璇濓紝閫夊瀷灏忕粍鎴愬憳鏄畬鍏ㄦ寜鐓ц亴浣嶄粠涓婅嚦涓嬬殑妯″紡鏉ラ?鎷╃殑銆傝繖鏍风殑閫夋嫨鍘熷垯涓婃病鏈変粈涔堜笉瀵癸紝浣嗕笉鎺掗櫎璁捐閮ㄩ棬鍐呮湁姣旈珮涓讳换鏇翠簡瑙DM鐨勫憳宸ャ?濡傛灉鏈夛紝閫傚綋缁撳悎鑷笅鑰屼笂鐨勬ā寮忔坊鍔犲皬缁勬垚鍛樺垯浼氳閫夊瀷灏忕粍鐨勪汉鍔涢厤澶囨洿瀹岀編銆?br />
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