Saturday, October 23, 2010

When integration came to knock on the door of economic winter

- Next Generation Network in China Enterprise Communications Communications Exhibition and Conference, China Wireless Communications Conference Opens in Beijing

Delicate Jade, phoenix rise, Wei Wu Yingyang; Water Cube, containing Ju Zhou, Smart strong. 2009 massive financial crisis brought heavy losses to many enterprises at home and abroad. But as the bear market will follow under the bull market, the industry experienced a turning point, the opportunities are also inadvertently shows the same 'curse'. April 27-29, held in Beijing next generation of network communication 2010 NexCom Expo CECC China Enterprise Communications Exhibition and Conference, CWCC China Wireless Communications Conference (spring) as the communications, IT, Internet, high-tech sectors across the economy of a winter fire lead to re-ignite people's passion for communications network industry.

New National Convention Centre and the exquisite tower, echoing the Water Cube, making today to attend the series of the show visitors invariably NexCom feel high popularity, high-tech atmosphere of seamless construction itself and the charm. Precise positioning of the lecture topics, fresh hot live show makes the opening day of the exhibition has attracted users from industry, business groups, domestic and international carriers, SP, manufacturers and value-added business platform provider, channel business nearly two thousand people. In particular, the wireless communications market this year, 'blazing' to call next, CWCC influence of China Wireless Communications Conference drifting Sheng, the day of the mobile Internet, 3G value-added services / Intelligent Terminal Session attracted a total of nearly a thousand spectators on-site attention. From China Telecom, Aspire Digital, Huawei, Nokia, east, Dialogic and other carriers, vendors for the scene show the audience the wave after wave of brilliant speeches.

4.27 CECC China Enterprise Communications Conference on venue

CECC China Enterprise Communications Conference (formerly CIPCC China IP Communications Conference) also attracted nearly a thousand visitors stop to listen UC and collaboration morning Session, Cisco, Microsoft, AVAYA, Huawei, Siemens and many other places show various industries enjoy the giant long, with a colorful scene of a speech, then narrow the audience and the UC / collaboration distance. Wonderful afternoon of the same video communications, Cisco, Radvision, DVTel, Sheng-dimensional, Hikvision other manufacturers feel the audience once again, in the 3G era, the video of this 'killer' app does not 'cool'.

Wonderful gallery scene is no different, nearly 50 communications industry representative vendors such as Cisco, AVAYA, east, Aspire and so brought their latest product solutions for the scene showing a user the latest and most comprehensive technological feast. 28-29 Two exciting agenda still continue, welcome to colleagues in the industry continue to focus on participation.

CECC China Enterprise Communications Conference broadcast schedule:


Apr. 27






Demonstrate and disseminate information

UC and collaboration

Cloud computing / data center

Call Center



Global IP Communications Alliance

Fan Ting editor

Welcoming remarks:

When integration came knocking at the door

China Telecom

Research Vice President Hui-Ling Zhao

Telecom operators

Understanding of cloud computing


Unified Communications Products

Business Director Mao Yi-Star

IPCC: beyond the traditional voice communication and service platform




Unified Communications Products

Business Director Mao Yi-Star

Collaboration 2.0 from unified communications to


DPE software architecture

Senior Consultant Fang Guowei

Microsoft's cloud computing solutions and next-generation data center


Applications and solutions

Advanced Solid asked Zhang Jinghui

From contact centers to

Panorama Centre changes




King Aerospace Technical Center Technical Architect

Full communication and collaboration Unlimited


Senior Architect Cao Van cloud computing

Cloud of wisdom

Huawei Software

IPCC Director of Enterprise Marketing

Yang Chuanhong

Huawei Multimedia Contact Center

Solutions - Call Center in the industry and expand the depth




Technical Director Chen Wei

Corporate communications and IMS


涓浗鍖虹粡鐞?br />

Galen Wang

Welcome to

聽Real-time Cloud



娌熼?鏂扮敓娲?浜彈鏂?br />






鍗庝负缁熶竴閫氫俊瑙e喅鏂规鈥?br />



鎬诲伐绋嬪笀 褰枃杩?br />


浼佷笟澧炲?涓氬姟鍜?br />


Genesys - SBC



涓氬姟鍙戝睍楂樼骇缁忕悊闂垫壙蹇?br />


琛岄攢锛屼负鎮ㄥ垱閫犲鎴蜂环鍊?br />



瑗块棬瀛愭暟瀛楃▼鎺?br />


鎶?湳鎬荤洃 瀛欏缓寰?br />

閫氫俊鏃犵晫闄?br />


浜氬お鍖?濮氱繆閿?br />

浜戣绠楀钩鍙颁笅鐨?br />

铏氭嫙鍖栬闊冲簲鐢ㄦ柟妗?br />


鍓?缁忕悊 鎵垮瓭寮?br />

鎭掍箙鐞嗗康锛屾柊鐢熷姏閲?br />







鍙婅繍钀ョ鐞?br />






鐔婅阿鍒?br />



鎬荤粡鐞喡犅?鑳¤壇绂徛犅?br />

杞欢&鏈嶅姟鐨勫競鍦轰环鍊煎寲锛屾笭閬撳晢涓庡巶鍟嗗彲浠ュ仛鍑哄摢浜涘姫鍔?br />


鍛煎彨涓績浜у搧绾?br />

甯稿姟鍓?缁忕悊 钂嬬憺璧?br />

浜屼竾涓潗甯槸鎬庝箞鐐兼垚鐨?br />












绗竴绾垮畨鑾?br />

鍛煎彨涓績浜嬩笟閮?br />

鍏ㄥ浗閿?敭鎬荤洃 娼樺織鍒?br />





涓浗鍖洪攢鍞?缁忕悊 鍛ㄩ洩宀?br />



鍓?瑁?寰愰潤姹?br />




鍓?缁忕悊 寮犻潤





鎬昏 榄忔澗绁?br />

鐩涚淮浜戣棰?br />


CEO 闄堢珛鍏?br />

涓?珯寮忕粺涓??淇″钩鍙?br />



澶у瀷鍛煎彨涓績鐨勫洟闃熷缓璁?br />







瀵硅瘽鏀夸紒CIO锛氳瀺鍚堝浼佷笟缃戠粶閫氫俊鐨?br />

鏂版剰涔?br />

涓绘寔浜猴細鍏ㄧ悆IP閫氫俊鑱旂洘 鎬荤紪杈?鑼冭劇

鍢夊锛?br />

鍥藉鐜繚鎬诲眬 淇℃伅鍔炰富浠?鏉庡浗鑹犅?br />


鍖椾含鍖楅噸姹借疆鐢垫満鏈夐檺璐d换鍏徃 娆ч槼浜?IT閮ㄩ暱

鍖椾含鍖楀紑鐢垫皵鑲′唤鏈夐檺鍏徃 淇℃伅閮?缁忕悊 甯堥偟杈?br />

鏂板ゥ闆嗗洟聽绠$悊涓庝俊鎭寲閮ㄤ富浠诲紶缈?br />

鍖椾含绾芥浖鐞嗘兂鏁扮爜绉戞妧鏈夐檺鍏徃 鏉ㄥ閿?淇℃伅閮ㄧ粡鐞喡?br />

涔濆窞閫氶泦鍥㈡湁闄愬叕鍙?缃楃ゥ 淇℃伅閮ㄩ儴闀?br />

鍖椾含瀹f鍖婚櫌 楂樺北







褰撳綋缃?br />

楂樼骇鎵ц鎬荤洃 鏉ㄤ含娲?br />





VIP 鍚堜綔浼欎即

楦″熬閰掍細鍙婃櫄瀹?br />





聽聽聽 CWCC 涓浗鏃犵嚎閫氫俊澶т細鏃ョ▼鎾姤锛?br />


Apr. 27





婕旂ず鍙婂彂鏀捐祫鏂?br />

绉诲姩浜掕仈缃?br />


鍥虹Щ鍏ㄤ笟鍔¤繍钀?br />



China Telecom

鐮旂┒闄㈠壇闄㈤暱 璧垫収鐜?br />



鍓?缁忕悊 缃楀皬甯?br />

璺ㄨ秺鏃犵煡锛岃繋鎺ヤ笁缃戣瀺鍚?br />




棣栧腑鏋舵瀯甯?鍒樺厠楦?br />


涓浗鐢典俊涓婃捣鐮旂┒闄?br />


琛屼笟铻嶅悎瓒嬪娍涓?br />




鍗庝负涓浗鍖?br />

鏃犵嚎甯傚満閮ㄥ壇鎬诲伐 鍛ㄥ缓鍥?br />


涓嬩竴涓氮娼潵涓?br />


涓氬姟鎷撳睍缁忕悊 鍐噷浜?br />





鍟嗗姟鍙戝睍鎬荤洃 閭变笢鏅?br />

璧板悜绉诲姩鐨勬湭鏉?br />


椴佹棴涓犅犅?br />





鍑ゅ嚢缃?br />

鏃犵嚎浜掕仈缃戦儴鎬荤洃 鏉庡矚

绉诲姩浜掕仈缃?br />

UT鏂揪搴?br />

澶氬獟浣撻?淇′簨涓氶儴甯傚満閮ㄦ?缁忕悊 涓佷箣鏁?br />


涓夌綉铻嶅悎鐨勬垬鐣ヤ笟鍔?br />




鍓?缁忕悊聽 闆蜂簯

2010骞翠綋楠岀Щ鍔╓eb涓栫晫锛?br />


涓浗鍖洪攢鍞壇鎬昏 鏂规椽聽 搴旂敤浜庡涓氬姟鐨?br />

鏃犵嚎鍩庡煙缃?br />









涓浗鍖烘?缁忕悊 鏋楃珵瀹?br />

寮?嫇绉诲姩澧炲?涓氬姟鐨?br />

鏂版満閬?br />


鎶?湳鎬荤洃 鏉ㄥ瓙姹?br />





浜у搧鎬荤洃 鍒橀獜



CEO 鑲栧織杈?br />

涓浗鏀垮簻鍜屼紒涓?br />





鎬荤粡鐞?鏉庨潰鎹?br />



涓浗鍖烘妧鏈?鐩?鐜嬭穬闇?br />

闈㈠悜鏈潵锛屾瀯寤轰紒涓氫綆纰崇綉缁?br />




鎬荤粡鐞喡犅?鍚撮椊鍗?br />

涓嬩竴浠f棤绾胯皟搴﹂?淇?br />


涓浗鍖洪攢鍞?鐩?寰愰槼鏄?br />




聽聽聽聽聽聽 鑹剧憺甯傚満鍒嗘瀽

浜т笟鐮旂┒閮ㄥ壇鎬荤洃 鐜嬭姵



涓浗鍖?棣栧腑浠h〃 鍒橀暱姹?br />

瀹藉甫鏃犵嚎鎶?湳鍦?br />

浼佷笟缃戜腑鐨勫簲鐢?br />





鍜ㄨ鎬荤洃 鏉ㄥ竼








VIP 鍚堜綔浼欎即

楦″熬閰掍細鍙婃櫄瀹?br />


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Thursday, October 14, 2010

PDM selection: impact of selection of the "ways of the world" elements

Software system selection is the highlight of the construction of enterprise IT, but also a headache for many businesses. I write according to their own project experience a virtual software selection story, and to take some of the elements of selection process.

PDM rigid requirements and selection of team

Monday morning, Liu Xuan Yi and ride a bike to work as usual. Although as a million million, one of 娲查晣 star power electric tools, Assistant General Manager and Director of the Office, he has every reason to let the company car from work, he has maintained ten years of this habit. Motorola Inc. At first only a few dozen of the township and small factories, but the years as well-run, substantial growth in output and scale year after year. After nearly twenty years, to now is a product for export, the number of thousands of employees, sales of hundreds of millions of medium-sized manufacturing enterprises.

Liu Xuan Yi is the Motorola company's de facto head of information technology. Over the years, through participation, coordination of company-related information project implementation and training, coupled with his general help and office as both director, CIO functions have achieved a bit of this increase in his body. Wang company does have an information center director of the title, but more is responsible for network maintenance, data backup, and other purely technical work. Events such as the system is basically the lead and coordinate Liu Yi-Hsuan.

Liu Xuan Yi lock a bike to his office the former head of sales, Zhang found that he was vice president came forward. Liu and Zhang worked for many years, have good relations. Zhang asked handing me a cigarette, the computer program was right about the Dodo? A software company is one of the best in the country, its regional head office is my nephew. If the various products that technically similar, then the insurance would nonetheless be a bit to find their own side. Liu Xuan Yi nodded his head and said, I was just at the office this morning to mention this on the system. A company and I have had some contact, but the selection of how out in the end I do not spectrum. The things you said I know. We will be fair competition, reasonable choice.

Two people mentioned in this project is that the company intends to commence the product data management (PDM) system. As planned, PDM is the second enterprise resource planning (ERP) after another focus, but because the progress of implementation of ERP and the line-delayed effects is not satisfactory after the originally planned PDM also delayed the progress down.

Mon 8:30 weekly office meeting management routine-la land. At the meeting, Liu on the urgency of the PDM system makes the following several reasons:

1. Wanli is the city's information technology demonstration unit, in accordance with the original application for demonstration projects in the planning, PDM is a main event after ERP. As the ERP project schedule delays, and now the overall information system project acceptance from the second half of the time only.

2. Companies on the PDM project ideas have been extended period of time, the design department of Jishihaoren are waiting for implementation of the system.

3. The company will continually have access to a 78 PDM software. Including a demonstration project in the company reporting process also provided help with the preparation of documentation, the project is not on the total of the election Which products have an explanation.

Therefore, the PDM is imperative. However, in the end how much input, the number of functional modules implemented, pending the election Which products are the problem. At first we put into practice with confidence ERP, more than two years down everyone's lung power Fandao lack of information, and new projects to promote them are somewhat hesitant.

Are all laments costly ERP project, responsible for the production and vice president of product development side view of everyone's confidence in the firm. Party vice president's view: the company often receives client sent CAD drawings of different systems, the current practice is to require customers to the company drawing power output to 10,000 CAD system can recognize the format. If the PDM system can easily preview, convert drawings, then this system may also be worth.

Party vice president's words have some Qiaosong Tai, general manager of the end; also keep the discussion has concluded: the project start as soon as possible, in principle, on-demand supply of funds but the overall message of the original planning for the maximum amount of the book; project selection by the Liu Xuan Yi lead, other selection team members, including party vice president, design director of the Department and Information Center Director Wang high. Liu Xuan Yi would like, it seems the project is officially promoted, but the selection of this matter will not be too easy. The simplest thing, the company in the end, what kind of system needed, Liu Xuan Yi estimated so far no one can say clearly.

According to Canada's Technology Evaluation Center (TEC) estimates, about 20% of IT projects due to the wrong product failed. To the author of thumb, this ratio may be higher in China. Liu Xuan Yi as the Motorola company's de facto chief information officer (CIO) in the selection of diligence, but still in the process left a regret.

Motorola power tools of this type of medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in the projects I've met has some typical. Enterprises have been developing well, good benefits, but capacity building in information technology are lacking. Over the years, many companies such as Motorola in the area of information exchange a lot of fees.

Yi Xuan Liu, CIO of this type I've met in the project also has a representative. And colleagues have tried CIO for SMEs in China are classified as "programmer type", "plant director-type", "office type", etc. types. Liu Xuan Yi undoubtedly be the last of this type. The strengths of this type of CIO is to understand the corporate culture, specializes in integration and mobilization of resources, knowledge and background in information technology and enterprise business processes are often not very strong.

Enterprise software selection based on objective and subjective basis of comprehensive results. In theory, the proportion of objective factors, more severe, more likely to become a reasonable selection of the results. But it is undeniable that a suitable software product involves all aspects, not all of the selection based on can be objective and quantitative; As businesses in a complex internal and external environment, the subjective basis is sometimes unavoidable. Zhang Deputy mentioned the reasons for the choice of A company has a strong subjective component, but it is also true is that many enterprises have to face. Liu Xuan Yi's "fair competition, reasonable choice" is a very artistic response. He recognizes the selection of objectivity, but also for other non-objective factors left a room.

Early failure of the project is hindered many companies continue to promote the information technology an important factor. However, if only to pay tuition fees in exchange for a lot of a wait and see attitude, this price is too high. Enterprises should continue to gain valuable practical experience to ensure Yuezhanyueyong, not hanging, "war-free card."

Enterprises in the project before any information should carefully consider a fundamental question - why should information? Here, Liu Xuan Yi listed several issues it certainly has some urgency, but these are not Motorola Inc. PDM projects must be on the nature of reason. Many times, when the implementation of an information system project has become an imperative thing, the company gradually forgotten the true intentions of the implementation of the project.淇℃伅鍖栨槸涓轰紒涓氫笟鍔℃湇鍔$殑锛屼俊鎭寲鎴樼暐鍒欒绱х揣鍥寸粫浼佷笟鐨勫彂灞曟垬鐣ャ?绂诲紑杩欎竴鐐癸紝涓嶇閫夊瀷鏈夊鍚堢悊锛屽疄鏂芥湁澶氬畬缇庯紝鏈?粓鐨勭郴缁熼兘鍙兘鍙槸涓?釜鎽嗚銆備紒涓氬疄鏂戒俊鎭寲鍙兘鎴愬氨浜嗘紓浜殑椤圭洰楠屾敹浼氬拰姹囨姤鏉愭枡锛屾垚灏变簡浼佷笟鍐呴儴涓?壒鐔熸倝杞欢搴旂敤骞舵湁鏈轰細鍙︽攢楂樻灊鐨勫憳宸ワ紝鎴愬氨浜嗚蒋浠朵緵搴斿晢鐨勪笟缁╋紝浣嗗鏋滀笉鑳藉缁欎紒涓氬甫鏉ュ湪杩愯惀鏁堢巼銆佹垚鏈帶鍒躲?鐮斿彂鑳藉姏绛夋柟闈㈠疄瀹炲湪鍦ㄧ殑鏁堢泭锛屼紒涓氬彧鏄湪涓轰粬浜哄仛瀚佽。銆傚彟澶栵紝浠讳綍浜嬫儏閮芥湁鎬ヨ揩鎬у拰閲嶈鎬т袱涓柟闈?姣棤鐤戦棶锛孭DM绯荤粺瀵逛竾鍔涘叕鍙告潵璇存槸鐩稿綋閲嶈鐨勶紝浣嗗彲鑳藉嚭浜庡伐浣滆儗鏅殑缂樻晠锛屽垬杞╄蕉灏嗕粬鐨勬敞鎰忓姏杩囧鍦版斁鍒颁簡涓?簺鎬ヨ揩浣嗗苟涓嶄竴瀹氶噸瑕佺殑浜嬫儏涓娿?杩欐牱鐨勮璇嗗繀鐒朵細褰卞搷鍒伴」鐩殑寮?睍銆?br />

銆??涓囧姏鍏徃鐨勯?鍨嬪皬缁勭殑浜哄憳閰嶅绠楁槸姣旇緝鍚堢悊鐨勩?鏂瑰壇鎬讳唬琛ㄤ簡浼佷笟鐨勯珮灞傞瀵硷紝楂樹富浠诲拰鐜嬩富浠诲垯鍒嗗埆浠h〃浜嗙郴缁熷畬鎴愬悗鐨勪富瑕佺敤鎴烽儴闂ㄥ拰鏃ュ父缁存姢閮ㄩ棬銆傚鏋滆鏈変粈涔堜笉瓒崇殑璇濓紝閫夊瀷灏忕粍鎴愬憳鏄畬鍏ㄦ寜鐓ц亴浣嶄粠涓婅嚦涓嬬殑妯″紡鏉ラ?鎷╃殑銆傝繖鏍风殑閫夋嫨鍘熷垯涓婃病鏈変粈涔堜笉瀵癸紝浣嗕笉鎺掗櫎璁捐閮ㄩ棬鍐呮湁姣旈珮涓讳换鏇翠簡瑙DM鐨勫憳宸ャ?濡傛灉鏈夛紝閫傚綋缁撳悎鑷笅鑰屼笂鐨勬ā寮忔坊鍔犲皬缁勬垚鍛樺垯浼氳閫夊瀷灏忕粍鐨勪汉鍔涢厤澶囨洿瀹岀編銆?br />




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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Delphi and mixed programming language FORTRAN

As we all know, FORTRAN stronger than numerical calculation, especially if the evaluations conducted for the complex, then the FORTRAN more incomparable advantages. FORTRAN is the only all languages will be complex data types defined as a standard language.

But the FORTRAN programming language in the visual aspect is very lacking, at least not yet launched a company with RAD features of the FORTRAN compiler integrated development environment.

Therefore, when using FORTRAN implementation of a future large-scale scientific computing, such calculations are difficult to input data into simple, easy WINDOWS results visualization applications. This is very easy with Delphi. Thus, in many cases, the use of FORTRAN and Delphi programming can be both a mixture of both advantages.

In this paper, two different methods to achieve hybrid programming. One is the direct implementation of the executable file the way, one is called Dynamic Link Library subroutines way. In the first mode, the Delphi programming in the implementation of direct implementation of the FORTRAN program file by file for data exchange;

In the second case, the first FORTRAN program compiled dynamic link library (DLL), the Delphi programming, call this a dynamic link library routines to accomplish a calculation. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

The first method of debugging a relatively simple, does not exist between the different language data type mismatch. However, under this approach, 鍦?Delphi can not achieve the effective supervision of the program is running, the same time, to file for data exchange in Caozuo not in Ye convenience, inefficient.

The second approach integrates the difference between the two proceedings, if preparation of the success of the program is running can not see traces of mixed-language programming, but particularly troublesome in this way to debug them. In general, the existing input and output more complex FORTRAN program, consider the first approach, and for relatively simple, or their own procedures for the preparation of new, can choose the second.

1. Implementation of the executable file (exe) mode

Windows provides API functions to perform the existence WinExec implementation file. The function is defined as:

UINT WinExec (LPCSTR lpCmdLine, UINT uCmdShow);

Parameters as follows:
LPCSTR lpCmdLine: contains the implementation of the command line.

The system will find application in the following areas:
鈶?application start position
鈶?the current directory location
鈶?Windows system directory
鈶?Windows directory
鈶?path set path list
UINT uCmdShow: defines how the form to start the process of constant value. Specified as follows:
SW_HIDE hide the window, to make a window active
SW_MINIMIZE minimize the window to make a window active
SW_RESTORE with the original size and location to display a window at the same time make it into the active
SW_SHOW with the current size and location to display a window at the same time make it into the active
SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED maximize the window, and its activation
SW_SHOWMINIMIZED minimize windows, and its activation
SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE minimize a window, without changing the active window
SW_SHOWNA with the current size and location to display a window, does not change the active window
SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE with recent size and position of a window display, while not changing the active window

If Str is a record of the executable file path and file name variable, WinExec (Pchar (Str), SW_SHOWNORMAL) that in normal circumstances the implementation of the executable file.


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Monday, September 13, 2010

Cattle were made with Maya the whole process of real eye

Final result looks like this:

(Figure 1)

Open the Create - NURBS Primitives - Sphere panel, refer to the parameters set under the map, click Create and then close the dialog box.

(Figure 2)

By 3 health, then press 5 to view color display.

(Figure 3)

Hold down the alt key left, right hand on the mouse's left button and middle button, zoom view shows.

(Figure 4)

Access panel in the object input Rotate X - 90.

(Figure 5)

Select the View menu Panel - Layouts - Two Panes Stacked above or below the view and then select the Panels - Panel - Hypershade. Our work area should be as shown below:

(Figure 6)

Super in chart below select Create-Materials-Lambert, a new Lambert material appears in the work area above the double-click in the new food material properties appear Editor

(Figure 7)

In the Attribute Editor, click the color behind the black box, the chart shows Create Render Node, select 2D Textures - Ramp. And then drag the material onto the object, use the middle mouse button drag the material onto the object. And then on the menu, select materials that map Shading-Hardware Texturing, then material texture in a small ball.

(Figure 8)

Now let's change the Ramp Attributes of color, as shown by the

(Figure 9)

Then choose from the top of a brown above, click on its back Reversing Checkerboard, Create Render Node chart appears. Select 2D Textures - Noise, set the Solid Fractal Attributes and Color Balance menu parameters, as shown below:

(Figure 10)

Click Select and Close, appeared under the map results.

(Figure 11)

Now we do the eyes of the second layer, also we do not use any light reflection. Select Edit - Duplicate or press Ctrl + D, then the icon in the construction of a new super material Phong material, double-click to open it in the material editor property, set as shown:

(Figure 12)

Click Select and Close, and then drag the new copy of the new material to just a small ball. Here we first hide the ball just copied Display - Hide - Hide Selection, then select Panels - Orthographic - Side, and then select the ball right-click select Control Vertex, edit form as shown

(Figure 13)

(Figure 14)

In the top view, the establishment of two Spot Lights to illuminate the eyes.

(Figure 15)

Now we are ready to render the current view of the. Select and copy the two eyes were balls choose Render - Set NURBS Tessellation panel to increase our refined model created nubs

(Figure 16)

Click Set and Close. Select Window - Rendering Editors - Render Globals to set up your project file a name you like, and the size of the size of the fight still holding the quality and so the effect of rendering the first one is the effect of the above .

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Holiday birth to "steal food hand job"

Short 3-day New Year holiday, so living in Shilong Huang Zhou's QQ users Julongwan "bug * little girl" small make a fortune: more than 200 users by helping to "steal food," "vegetables," give it away to steal, "bug * little girl," three days earn 400 yuan. Taobao's search found that, like the "bug * little girl" the same job, "stealing dish hand" even up to more than 5,000 holiday economy makes this new career in online hot temperature.

Help to steal food but also to send food source

"Before, I also see many people hanging out in online 'part-time to steal food' service, was also tried at home and do some result, no two weeks to do a large number of people is interested. Fortunately, I am more senior QQ 鍙? New Year's Day change before the next mode of operation, finally there gains small. "Taobao sellers" w esiti ** "is a live in Shilong Julongwan the" home girls ", about his New Year's holiday" Occupational vegetable farmers "through much pride .

The reporter then search found that there are more than 5,000 Taobao only as "w esiti **" the same "professional vegetable growers." "W esiti **" said it was simply helping someone to steal food, 1 per day are no people hired, so she stole food rules based on imitation of others to upgrade their vegetable service. On behalf of not only helping friends steal food, get a QQ group will own a large number of rare plant vegetables for the "customers" steal. "W esiti **", said since she launched the service, many of the QQ friends when not on the line will "hire" her do it, also charges 23 yuan a day, while only two 30 yuan monthly. "New Year's Day the best business, many friends have things out, there are hundreds of players to patronize the business."

Stealing food service variety

Reporter later saw the internet as a "professional vegetable farmers" in order to attract business, but also played "every class now numbers 200 to 1800, steal your mercy! Guarantee you 30,000 gold coins of the income" of attractive conditions However, the friends said, except for a few friends, strangers, little is interested. And "w esiti **" as the business of the users during the New Year was a small fire, he hoped Chinese New Year holiday can also take the opportunity to make money. Some sellers may even make money Tips to sell, sell "plug-ins to steal food," specifically for the players cheating on their own to steal food.

Reporter learned from the Internet, in addition to current popular QQ farm, happy nets, also appeared in a number of network users launched web hosting services, business sellers are also more and more support is less saturated, but the "w esiti **", said: "to help vegetable growers who do, make money second, is a pastime for us. As more and more developed network, the network may conflict with reality more and more, this web hosting business would be a big break. "

User view


Hua Xiaoqian when back to Grandpa, the value

User "Poultry stick D": this society, people's entertainment life, fewer and fewer tickets would be required under casual pastime. Now, we can not meet the pursuit of material and spiritual "content with" not a bad idea even under. Spend a little money back in line when Grandpa, this little money and in return the farm level, grade honorable than completely excellent value for money. KTV casually than to roar is a few hundred gone much better.

User "Bayi's Road": the Occupation vegetable is popular in many friends catch the wind only, it is really how much they earn. Since their is no time, with little money to these professional vegetable modest gains, consoled themselves by one, why not?


Not to steal food, is lonely

Friends "with his situation in": after all, professional network of vegetable farmers is a new thing, many people are out just for fun, after all, what the network is no legal protection, say, and we crash and stealing food, stealing food was not lonely, is to steal someone else's loneliness is stealing their loneliness, since results are the same, why make life difficult for their money now.

User "Jazz kicked him": the Internet vegetables, parking has always been boring, apart from the entertainment, if things go to these virtual flower real money, a little before. Reality is reality, even if the network has become rich, in reality, you might even eat a box lunch can not afford.


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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Vsftpd + tcp_wrappers host and user access control

RHEL4 in vsftpd support at compile time has tcp_wrappers, so you can use tcp_wrappers to achieve the host access control.

Before the experiment, first said the implementation of the next order of tcp-wrappers:

First implementation of the hosts.allow, if hosts.allow inside the list, the list of the machine is allowed access; otherwise, then scroll down to hosts.deny, if the hosts.deny list inside, then refused to list the machine access, if also not (that is, which do not allow and deny list) is allowed access to the host.

Real life, host.allow can also set "Reject" feature, so generally only use / etc / hosts.allow for access control can host.

(A) of the host access control

The host ( to configure vsftpd service, so in addition to network segment other than to allow other hosts to access the FTP service.

Program very simple, edit / etc / hosts.allow

vsftpd: DENY

vsftpd: 192.168.1.

Restart vsftpd, experimental purposes can be achieved, we can tcp_wrappers in the experiment will do more complex experiments.

(B) User Access Control

vsftpd flexible user access control. In the specific implementation, vsftpd user access control is divided into two categories: the first is the traditional list of users / etc / vsftpd / ftpusers, I understand it as the system list (that is, the system prohibited); second is to improve the user list file / etc / vsftpd / user_list, I understand it as they want to ban list

To realize the second list control must be inside vsftpd.conf

userlist_enable = YES

userlist_deny = YES / / This article is the system default exists, that is also unnecessary to add the system defaults to YES

userlist_file = / etc / vsftpd / usrer_list

The above simple experiment can be achieved vsftpd powerful control.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Easy to change driving

Imagine you are traveling at high speed on the road, changing lanes in preparation, the side of another car suddenly turned to you, seeing the car should hit with your car, even worse, the car also in your blind spot view. At this point, your car steering wheel automatically and quickly shake a bit and slow down, you go back to the right lane, you and your car safe.

The scenarios are not fantasy, this function has been obtained in a number of vehicles initially realized. Now almost every car manufacturer at least every family has a car model equipped with driving-related auxiliary equipment, such as automatic parking or adaptive cruise control device. In the automotive industry, these assistive devices are called advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), such as the Cadillac STS, Buick Lucerne, Mercedes E-350, Ford Fusion, Mazda 3 and Infiniti (Infiniti) M are equipped with such devices to improve traffic safety, or at least allow the driver to make the moment more reasonable decisions.

In fact, these advanced driver assistance systems in some cars has become a major selling point, such as we see in television commercials: Audi A8 will automatically turn lights to illuminate the hidden corners of the road; Infiniti car will automatically brake to prevent the collision. But you know that these devices or systems is how the specific work to figure out what magical technology?

One auxiliary driving: lane departure reminded

In 2001, the devices first appeared on the Infiniti M. The results show that even relatively cheap device models (such as the Buick Lucerne) are also popular. In the process of moving, Lucerne will be displayed in the dashboard light green icon indicates that vehicles traveling in the right lane, and once deviated from the lane, the icon will become brown.

According to GM's global security manager John Capp introduced, Lucerne and several Cadillac models (such as equipment, luxury STS) in the rear view mirror next to the camera with black and white, with the help of these cameras, the system uses pattern recognition technology constantly scan the road. Color camera to search for the concentration of bright colors such as white line identification (or Yellow Line) and color differences between dark curbs.

Capp said that General Motors is to gradually improve the camera to enhance the availability of this feature. In Europe, the Opel Insignia will be scanning the road signs, measure out the car's current speed. If the car too fast, the system will remind drivers attention. In Germany and other European countries to help drivers identify road marking is necessary, because the driver may not notice the speed limit signs of these sparse. To achieve this functionality, GM of the Lucerne's lane departure warning (LDW) camera functions were expanded in order to correctly identify the Opel Insignia speed limit signs.

Lexus dealers dedicated to its advanced technical training manager Paul Williamson, said, in the Lexus car, Drive warning device comes with pre-scanning radar to observe the front there are no other vehicles, and to identify lane markings, and even identify a black shoulder, the car deviated from the lane to remind the drivers attention. The Lexus and other models can even automatically HS250h to cart back to the right Drive. Mercedes GL450 upcoming car will automatically adjust a driving route, let the car back to the right Drive.

In the future, this control device will be more powerful. For example, automobile manufacturers will be gradually improved lane departure reminded technology, with adaptive cruise control and lane keeping technology allows cars to drive, so that the control of vehicles in the absence of being able to open the road a long way, and ultimately automatic driving under no intervention.

The second driver assistance technologies: adaptive cruise control

Adaptive Cruise Control (Adaptive Cruise Control) and the front of the vehicle according to your preset between the conditions (such as intervals of 1.5 seconds or 3 seconds), automatic adjustment of speed. 2000 Lexus LS-430 the first use of this device, called dynamic laser cruise control system. Cadillac and Mercedes luxury cars equipped with the feature for some time.

Interestingly, although the device appears to be very complicated, in fact, it mainly relies on Doppler radar system (usually installed in the former grid) to scan the signal reflection. In some models, the windshield just above the camera is also equipped with a second.

Adaptive cruise is the Mercedes E350 cars such as the device one of the highest degree of automation. Start the system, if the vehicle in front, E350 will slow slow down, slow moving, with a few hundred feet in front of slow moving vehicles to maintain a certain distance. This technique, called limited distance control system enhancements (Distronic Plus), for setting, according to the distance with the front of the vehicle to determine when to start slowing the car.

Capp said: "GM currently mainly used to provide models to maintain continuous traffic on the highway, is being developed for the stop and go situations, such as encountered in front of a construction zone or traffic jams, car will automatically reduce speed. The principle of the system is obtained using the radar signal reflection, and combined with Doppler radar technology to detect vehicle speed and distance, and then the images, so you keep a safe distance with the front of the vehicle. "

It specializes in the production of sensors for automatic control and computer modules, Analog Devices, Test and Measurement director Rob O'Reilly describes this system in the object distance, and speed test has certain limits. In general, the car between 15 to 115 miles per hour driving the system can work, can be found as far 492 feet office and other vehicles.

He said: "The current number of actual systems in use, to measure the distance from the vehicle sensors working in the 60GHz to 80GHz most areas. These sensors send a signal, and then receiving the return signal, and the measured results to the host computer. the host computer is usually located under the dashboard, while the automatic steering module, speed brake assembly module and the location of the module closer to the engine.

Volvo XC60 used a program called City Safety System (City Safety) of the new technology for driving in city streets. National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) Used Car Guide Magazine belongs to "NADA Guides" car expert Mike Caudill said: "If the road driver traveling at high road speed less than 10 miles, the brake system is available for work state, to prevent you hit the front of the vehicle. "He explained that under the adaptive cruise slow device helps to reduce collisions.

In the Cadillac STS and other GM models on the application of the adaptive cruise, in the long term effect will help reduce consumption of gasoline cars to save fuel costs. Because the traditional standard cruise control device that is to ask the driver brakes or release the brakes to start the system or turn off the system. "At any time, as long as a step on the brake, cruise control devices will be out of engagement." Caudill explained that "adaptive cruise control device for a smooth running car, in order to minimize the brakes or brake smoothly. Because after the cruise in the brake system will make the car faster speed to the pre-set speed, while the adaptive cruise control in front of the vehicle according to driving speed of the car remain in the driver settings from within, regardless of the speed of the front car is fast or slow. This helps to save fuel. "

Auxiliary driving three: auxiliary parking

Lexus and Toyota is the leader in auxiliary parking areas of technology. Assist the driver to drive the truck into the parking space is, the car can automatically assist the driver to park in place. This automated technology is important, because the parking needs of highly skilled, very difficult for many drivers, some novice or simply not be completed.

Lexus of Williamson said the auto parking is very complex calculations involved, including the calculation of the distance and has been parked vehicles, wheel position and current speed.

Williamson said: "First of all, when you are approaching the empty car parking spaces, the ultrasonic sensor detects the edge of each side of car parking spaces, to determine whether it can only put the car parking spaces. Next, the car will call the rear view camera video screen capture, so the driver stopped at what position to confirm the selection. in the driver options with your fingers clicking and dragging the location, the car automatically into the specified location. "

He explained that the car every corner of the sensor will send a radio signal, through the collection of objects rebound next to the signal to detect whether the obstacle. Concern is the 2010 Lexus LS 600h out of the wheel speed indicator, and also use wireless sensors to collect more data when the car decelerating. For example, Lexus know you are ready to slow down, "parking", and therefore more carefully scanning obstacles to get more data.

Such as in the Ford Flex and Taurus Sho board, adaptive parking assist device also incorporates automatic technology and driver assistance technologies. For example, the Ford Flex will be able to scan to find the space, suggesting that drivers slow down, stop and reverse. In this system, with the help of the car quickly in place, stopping at designated parking spaces. Currently, Flex vehicle into space, the pilot use statistics brake; and then the car forward, had to use the brakes. Luther Auto Group, said account manager Jerry Krauth, Ford also needed to use these automated technologies involved in control of the driver, not fully automated. The future, the company will gradually use more artificial intelligence control device.

It is worth mentioning that, at present, not a car maker said it planned to provide a full automatic device for re-training, the United States did not automatically parking and other devices for the certification process. As vehicles become a kind of automation standards, the auto makers may pinpointing these advanced driving device for additional courses, the Government has Bi Yao Ye Gong Zuo promote this area.

Auxiliary driving four: area to remind

Including the Buick Lucerne and Ford Fusion, including several of the latest models use a sensor to detect a vehicle close to the car, that is "blind to remind." According to GM Capp introduced, most of the blind spot to remind the device is not used to audible buzzer, as it would distract drivers, but in the side mirror next to the display lights, the driver will be from time to time to see side-looking mirror. He said this will help avoid crashes caused by driver distraction.

Blind spot sensor scan is usually about six feet from the vehicle objects. Analog Devices Inc. O'Reilly said that the car is equipped with blind reminder to use cameras to detect most of reflection, or, as the Mercedes E350 as working in the 20kHz band using ultrasonic sensors to detect moving objects. CPU sensor and connect the car can be the direction of the sensor data and comparing the information obtained to detect the speed and steering angle, the same time, they also detect the steering wheel rotation speed (slow, fast or not moving) gyroscope connected.

In the Acura (Acura) ZDX, the blind spot sensor with two 24GHz radar installations send short radio signal, and then use multiple antennas to receive the car back to the signal. If the system returns the signal measured within a certain distance from another vehicle, it will appear in the side mirror blind spot warning signals.

At present, this function is relatively mature, such as the Buick Lucerne's blind spot indicator was more precise: as long as a car around, and immediately sent in the side mirror on the warning signals, embankment, fence or building will not trigger alerts.

The five auxiliary driving: crash warning

Collision detection and prevention systems are also a number of high-end models selling point. Market has several cars equipped with anti-collision detection and prevention systems. For example, the Audi A8 car if it detects that there is another vehicle in front will slowly brake gently, seeing if we should hit, it will be the emergency brake. O'Reilly explained that the direction of this brake system uses sensors (and Apple iPhone, not very different from the direction of the sensor), can detect rapid changes in throttle angle. If you normally drive, suddenly release the throttle, cars will make use of pressurized brake fluid to the braking system to ensure smooth braking. automotive Web site, according to a senior evaluation engineer Albert Austria introduction, Mercedes and Audi models the most advanced collision detection system uses sensors to detect vehicles in front of the rear lights. He said the sensors can distinguish a movement in the truck and a tree, but most of the collision detection system does not recognize the car completely stopped, because the sensor will scan moving objects. Collision detection works similar to the blind spot warning and lane departure warning system.

Austria said: "sensors detect the need to pay attention to the object, put the information sent to the electronic control unit sets the car (ECU), many of these devices inside the microprocessor. ECU using complex algorithms, according to a number of input information to measure traffic intervention and driving directions. such as speed, throttle position, close to the object's distance, the use of brakes, yaw (side to move), so shaking (rotation along the line) and around the bumps (upper and lower vibration) and other input information. "

In the Acura ZDX, the collision detection system uses millimeter-wave radio signals front - this is the highest power radio frequency band, scan in front of about 300 feet of the object. Concern is that the collision mitigation brake system, called the device under the driver's response to determine how to brake. It is the first real-time tracking obstacles, then alerts the driver through the picture and sound, waiting for a response, and then gently brake, and show more warning information, the last hard braking, and automatically tighten seat belts.

Other auxiliary driving

In addition to these technical means other than some cars also use other techniques to help the driver safety and convenience to drivers. A Mazda 3, the latest example (that is, advanced technology and equipment Grand Touring models), you drive around the road bend, it's headlights will automatically turn, rather than straight to shine in the dark; if you go back box installed many things, the weight sensor will automatically adjust headlights to headlight according to the correct angle and direction; rain, you do not even open the rain-sensing wipers, it will automatically work.

Headlights turn on the principle that the direction of the sensor to read through the steering wheel position, speed and slope of the car on the road. According to the weight of goods to adjust headlight height, the car use the car to the right of the direction sensor determines the current slope, but also view the current speed and road surface (based on body height) into account. As for the rain sensor, their work mainly by an infrared sensor, it will light projected onto the windshield, if the windshield blurred or scattered rain, wiper will automatically start working.

Of course, the car driver assistance technology is still progressing into the future there will be the introduction of new technologies, these advanced technologies including the ability to recognize facial, monitoring the health status of the driver. Capp says that GM has already tested these types of devices. One of the latest sensor to monitor the oxygen content of the driver and respiration. "It will also monitor the driver's head is not due to fatigue and begin to hang." automotive Web site of Austria also said the global positioning system (GPS) technology is expected to bring more help to the driver. For example, a car may be the light of the future GPS data, combined with the car's driver assistance systems to adapt to changing road surface shape (such as corners and ramps). One possible application is to a car according to the received GPS satellite from the detailed map data on the road driving assessment, if the judge in front of the radius is too small, and the speed too fast, it will take the initiative to provide braking assistance, such as reducing the throttle input will also strengthen the yaw control.

"Ultimately, through the integrated application of all these techniques not only improves the vehicle's handling, to prevent accidents, drivers will improve our way." Caudill said, "technology helps prevent accidents, even if the accident occurred, also help save lives.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Zune Video Converter

Zune Video Converter converts AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, MPEG videos (and many more) to Zune's WMV or MP4 video format in one simple click. The software features superb video & audio quality and fast conversion speed. And it is very easy to use. Features: (1) Convert AVI, DivX/Xvid, MPEG, Tivo, WMV, RM, MOV videos, etc to Zune WMV or MP4 video (2) Support WMV, H.264 and MPEG4 video used in Microsoft Zune (3) Built-in X!-Speed? transcode technology. Up to 3x faster than conventional converter. (5) Optimized settings for superb video playback on Microsoft Zune (6) Support conversion in batch mode.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

ColeSoft DVD to Zune Video Converter

ColeSoft DVD to Zune Video Converter is a one-click solution to convert DVDs to Zune movie. Watch movies on the go! Build your movie list for Zune now! It features superb video & audio quality and the fastest conversion techniques availabe on the market (Up to 3x faster). And it is very easy to use. Features: (1) Convert DVD to Zune WMV or MP4 video format in one simple click. (2) Support WMV, H.264 and MPEG4 video format used in Microsoft Zune (3) Built-in X!-Speed? transcode technology. Up to 3x faster than conventional converter. (4) Adjustable video size for playback on Zune (5) Optimized settings for superb video playback on Microsoft Zune

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Daniusoft DVD Copy

Daniusoft DVD Copy is an extremely easy to use and practical DVD copy software application to copy DVD movies (D9 to D9 and D5 to D5), which provides the best way to copy DVD movie with excellent DVD copy quality. This best DVD Copy software could copy protected DVD which can remove the protections including CSS, RC and RCE without any quality loss of the original movies.
This copy DVD movie software provides you to copy DVD movie by saving DVD folders on your computer, creating an ISO file, or directly copy DVD to DVD. With this super user-friendly interface of Daniusoft DVD Copy, removing DVD protection and copying DVD is easy as pie!
Key Functions
1.Copy single-layer DVD5 ? Copy DVD 5 movie to one single-layer (DVD5) DVD+R/RW DVD-R/RW discs.
2.Copy dual-layer DVD9 ? Copy DVD 9 movies to one dual-layer DVD+R/RW DVD-R/RW discs.
3.Copy DVD to hard drive ? Copy a DVD movie to hard drive so that you can watch a DVD movie or burn a DVD disc from the hard drive.
4.Burn DVD ? Burn a DVD structure file from your hard drive to a blank DVD disc.
Key Features
1.Super Fast DVD Movie Copy Speed - Support Intel Dual-Core Processor and AMD Athlon ? 64 X 2 Dual-Core Processor to provide you best DVD movie copy speed.
2.Perfect Copy Quality - Real DVD movie copy in 1:1 ratio, by copy the entire DVD perfectly including titles, menus, subtitles, audio tracks - like the original!
3.Copy DVD Movie with CSS encryption - Remove the protections including CSS, RC and RCE without any quality loss of the original movies.
4.Copy DVD Movie with Region Code Free - Copy DVD movie Region-limited is available in the DVD copying software.
5.Support wide range media types - Compared with other DVD copying software, Daniusoft DVD Copy supports DVD+/-R, DVD+/-RW, DVD-RAM, Double/Dual Layer DVD in a high flexibility
6.Extremely easy to use ? With this super user-friendly interface, removing DVD protection and copy DVD movie is easy as pie!


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Saturday, April 17, 2010

iWisoft Free Flash SWF Downloader

iWisoft Free Flash SWF Downloader is a free Flash SWF downloader tool to download your favorite Flash swf animations from any webpage. You can use it to download embedded Flash swf animations like Flash games, Flash cards and presentations. It's very simple and user-friendly. Just copy and paste the URL address of the webpage you want to download Flash SWF from, and then click the "Download" button to start downloading. With the built-in Flash SWF Player, previewing and playing the downloaded animations never becomes so easy. And If you want to convert Flash SWF to video/audio/picture formats, such as avi, flv, mpeg, wmv, iPod, 3gp, psp, mp3, animated gif, you can click the "Convert SWF" button in bottom-right corner to convert Flash SWF with iWisoft Flash SWF to Video Converter. All are amazing you to enjoy Flash conveniently! Best of all, the program is completely free to use!

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Quickly change vob to avi

Monday, March 22, 2010

Youtube to MPG Value

Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

4Media Xbox Converter

4Media Xbox Converter helps you convert almost all popular video/movie formats to Xbox MP4, AVI, VOB, ASF, WMV formats. All these output Xbox videos can be played on your Xbox. It can convert AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP, and FLV videos, as well as convert AVI to MP3 and convert between audios like MP3, WMA and WAV. The Xbox video converter is also the easiest way to convert high-definition videos.

Key features:
1. Convert video in high speed for the support of Multi-core CPU.
2. Split video file into several Xbox video segments by customizing file size or time length.
3. Convert any video segment you want by defining the start and duration.
4. Offer you as much detailed parameters as possible to choose and adjust including bit rate, sample rate, channels and so on.
5. The built-in Bitrate Calculator enables you to get desired-size video to convert and output by entering the file size in the tool.
6. Batch conversion and multithreading to realize converting multiple files one by one in a single step.
7. Run in background for possessing less CPU space.

Recommand Link:

Software Download To Change Divx Dvd To Archos 405

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Aloysoft Ultimate DVD Converter

Aloysoft Ultimate DVD Converter converts DVD's to play on almost any portable device including iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, Pocket P.C., and so on. Meanwhile, it can also support output almost any audio/video format including Video format(H264, MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV, RM, 3GP, flv, SWF, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, VideoCD, SuperVideoCD, DVD, etc) and Audio format(AC3, AAC, MP2, MP3, MP4, RA, WMA, etc.). With this all-in-one DVD Converter, you can make any your own video from your DVDs.

Recommand Link:

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Super DVD Converter

Super DVD Converter - A fast video to DVD VOB converter which can convert and burn AVI, MPG, MPEG 1/2/4, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, Xvid, ASF, 3GP, Youtube FLV to DVD VOB VCD SVCD easily. With this DVD VCD SVCD converter, you will know how to make a DVD video. You can use it to convert and burn DivX, Xvid, AVI, MPG, MPEG 1/2/4, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB files to DVD with chapter Menu. With that, you can convert downloaded videos and burn files into DVD, which means Internet become the storehouse of your home theater! Get Free download now!

Super DVD Converter - What a powerful and attractive AVI, MPG, MPEG 1/2/4, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, Xvid, ASF, 3GP, Youtube FLV to VOB converter. This software can burn DivX to DVD and convert DivX to VOB and finish all your tasks with the fastest speed possible and the best quality available. No one will ask how to make a DVD video anymore once they try this great DivX to VOB converter. We highly recommend this program because we think it will make your multimedia life a lot easier and more enjoyable. It allows you to specify NTSC or PAL format, adjust 4:3 or 16:9 video aspect, and burn either DVD disc or ISO file. By setting bitrate and framerate, you can get excellent quality on TV screen. Just free download and enjoy it right now!

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